Friday, November 15, 2013

葉茵萍學姐's dear mother's passing

I just received a call from Lieu Le Minh, conveying a message that 葉茵萍學姐's dear mother has passed away.  According to a Thonhon school web posting which I just looked up, the 火化 cremation has been done today. Here is the link: 

Cindy and I are so sorry to hear about the news.  We would like to extend our condolences.   茵萍學姐 should take care of yourself and anh Vincent during this difficult time.

Best regards,

Sean and Cindy

Thursday, October 3, 2013


李廣茂、葉茵萍伉儷 令慈
李府陳氏乳惜太夫人 蓮座

樹人鹏恆社  拜輓



Tuesday, June 25, 2013


今日(6月25日)驚接噩耗: 吳坤波愛妻陳牡丹三天前因腦溢血送醫急救, 不幸已於今午在聖荷西亞歷山大醫院內去逝。享年57歲。 消息傳來, 令人扼腕悲哀不捨。

吳坤波在短短不到兩年時間裡, 連連失去他一生中最愛的兩位女人: 二女兒和老伴。哀痛心情, 撤骨椎心。可想而知。請各位同學, 或慰問、或捐款, 發揮同學側隱之心, 聊表心意, 温暖吳家。捐款可直接寄給吳坤波.....

Saturday, November 17, 2012




Thursday, January 19, 2012

Background music fund

Hello all,

It has been noticed that some of the background music files on Open Drive file hosting web archived a few months ago no longer play. This imperfection defeats our intended goal. Consequently, I have closed the Open Drive web account and canceled the service. The majority of the music files has been exported to a new free-of-charge file server which has been tested functioning satisfactorily in the past few weeks.

Last year the total fund received from classmates supporting the background music was $99. Having paid $30 for the 6 months service since Aug/13/2011 (6 months x $5/month), the remaining $69 ($99-$30) is available for future use. For the time being, I will hold on to this balance until the next person in-charge of our class web takes over my role.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I forgot to cross out the email addresses on initial posting. The addresses are now xxx for privacy reason. My apology for the overlook.


From: 鵬恆社 []
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 4:48 PM
To: 'xxx'; '';
Cc: 史振誠; 吳坤波; 吳碧蓮; 左愛華; 廖麗明; 張瑞梅; 施英訓; 李林祥; 李靜芳; 林明忠; 潘家隆; 潘正星; 王志仁; 王文香; 葉世健; 葉婉如; 蔡惠娥; 蔡玉芳; 蔡雪兒; 蔡麗卿; 蔣水鳳; 蔣采蓉; 陳智; 陳芳瑩; 陳雄誠; 顏美杏; 魏國榮; 黃文錦; 黃照明
Subject: RE: Message from mr. Choy(振翔)

Hello Pam,

Your mail was sent to address which I hardly use nowadays. I did not check the inbox until today. My active email address is: Thanks for forwarding the message.


您好! 很高兴收到您的email. 我們鵬恆社同学都在問侯您. 有机会來美國找我們這群樹人同学.

祝您合家 新年快樂


Hello BangHang classmates,

Below is a greeting message from our teacher Mr. 蔡振翔 forwarded by Pam (趙慧屏).


From: Pam
To: xxxx
Cc: 蔡振翔老師 Choy
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 11:34 AM
Subject: Message from mr. Choy(振翔)
Hi Sean, I passed mr. Choy's message to you... --- From Pam


Thursday, January 5, 2012



驚聞噩耗,獲悉令千金猝逝, 親友同感悲慟! 人生遽變無常, 世事突發不幸無法抗拒, 務請節哀順變, 早日走出悲痛陰霾, 勇於面對現實, 熱愛生活, 善加保重, 謹此唁慰.
